Conspiracy theorists like to zoom in on jpeg artifacts and declare that they’ve found “proof” of an official cover-up of life on Mars.
Those people are working too hard. You can find much more compelling proofs by running the official photographs through the Google Deep Dream software. You remember Deep Dream, right? It was really popular a month and a half ago!
These images from Mars Curiosity totally prove the existence of life on Mars. Weird life.
Check out those bird-things. The one in the back has dog legs! NASA needs to stage a mission to bring some of those back. They’d make amazing pets.
(Also notice the amazing camoflage on that fish near the bottom, just left of the tire-tracks.)
(This panorama is pretty poorly stitched together. They should have just given Curiosity an iPhone.)
Even poorly stitched, this panorama proves that Curiosity is basically surrounded by invisible monsters.
Mars is terrible.